Dr Jayakumar, Poliklinik South City
Immune Booster
- SK
- MAL19016056TC
Herbal Anti Virus
- MAL19036063TC
Neural Strength
- MAL19046067TC
DrSantas Bio-Specs SK
- Balance the body’s biochemical and physiological electrolytes.
- Improves and improves red and white blood cell counts.
- Optimizing body flexibility and empowering superior health.
- Adjust blood fats (lipoproteins), carbohydrates, mitochondria and protein metabolism.
- Additional treatment for intensive care.
- Reduces uric acid and other acids that cause gallstones and kidney stones.
- Improve blood circulation and vision.
- Antibacterial, cold fever and viral germs carried by the blood.
- Additional treatment for fever from viral and bacterial infections.
- Lack of blood (Anemia) caused by iron deficiency.
DrSantas Bio-Specs LKJ
- For Genito urinary tract hygiene and prevention of Ge
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- For vaginal strength
- Adjunct for the treatment of gall stones and renal stones
- Natural mild herbal antibiotic
- Adjunct for viral fevers, cold, flu and Cough
- Improves genito urinary tract healing
- Adjunct for viral/ liver infection
DrSantas Bio-Specs AGL
- For energy, strength, and stamina
- Improvement of blood circulation
- Improvement of metabolism of absorbed food
- For regulation of blood fats (lipids)
- For regulation of mitochondrial and carbohydrate metabolism
Allium cepa
Nigella sativa
Cuminum cyminum
Zingiber officinale
Caryophyllus aromaticus
Coffea arabica
Anethum graveolens
Allium sativum
Phaseolus vulgaris
Coffea arabica
Cola acuminata
Glycine max
Curcuma longa
Allium sativum
Allium cepa
Azadirachta indica